null CCMAS 36 - Side event

CCMAS 36 - Side event

2015. február 16, hétfő

In connection with the 36th Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling a scientific workshop will be held to highlight and discuss the importance of reliable and accurate analytical results for and some other aspects of correct assessment of food safety.

Interested Hungarian experts are also invited to take part in the workshop. The participation is free, but prior registration is required before 19th of February indicating the name, affiliation and institute.

National Food Chain Safety Office


in connection with the 36th Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling, invite you to a scientific workshop on

Safety assessment of chemical contaminants in food

26th February 2015

Thermal Hotel Aquincum ZRT, 1036 Budapest Árpád fejedelem útja 94.

9:00 Opening welcome: Árpád Ambrus, Chairman of CCMAS

9:15 Yukiko Yamada, Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, Japan

Feed safety as precondition for food safety

9:45 Hilde Nori, National Veterinary Institute, Norway

NMKL guidelines for verification of analytical methods

10:15 László Mészáros, head of department, NFCSO

Description and classification of food items - the EFSA FoodEx2 system

10:45 Coffee break

11:15 Árpád Ambrus

Quality control measures for verification of validated performance criteria of analytical methods

11:45 Tamás Szigeti, Zoltan Veres, Wessling Ltd

Quality control and quality assurance practice of Wessling

12:15 Ákos Józwiak, deputy director NFCSO

Coordinated actions 'from field to fork' to assure safety of food in Hungary

12:45 Discussion (moderator Ákos Józwiak)

13:15 Closing remarks: Summary of conclusions and recommendations (Árpád Ambrus)


Friss hírek

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