null Reinforced Consumer Rights for Enhanced Food Safety and Quality

Reinforced Consumer Rights for Enhanced Food Safety and Quality

2019. június 17, hétfő

National Food Chain Safety Office started a consumer protection programme on August 1 2018 under the project title “811235 - RCR-EFSQ – CONS-CPC-JA”. 

Project subject: Financial contributions to joint actions to improve the cooperation between authorities responsible for the enforcement of consumer protection laws
Project number: 811235 - RCR-EFSQ – CONS-CPC-JA
Duration: 01.08.2018– 31.07.2021 (36 month)
Budget: 173,554 EUR with 50% EU grant by EC CHAFEA (Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency)

The 3-year long project was co-financed by the EC CHAFEA and is dealing with food quality. Protecting consumer rights in the area of ​​food safety and quality is a top priority for NFCSO; therefore, within the framework of the project, the quality of food marketed under the same brand name is examined in the EU within and outside the country borders. Furthermore, we aim to improve the e-commerce control system for the widespread online food purchases while understanding and continuously informing consumers. The basic objective of the project is to enhance cooperation between the authorities involved in consumer protection at both national and international levels.

Working groups

  • WP1: Project coordination
  • WP2: Dual quality – analysis of the phenomenon, formulation of recommendations for the creation of legal regulation
  • WP3: E-commerce – development of official control system (guidelines and methodology)
  • WP4: Communication – communication to the public, education, awareness-raising, cooperation between authorities involved in consumer protection

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