Multi Annual National Control Plan


In order to ensure a global and integrated approach in the national food and feed control, Member States should cooperate in evolving and executing Multi Annual National Control Plans. Each national plan covers a three to five-year period.

National policies are based on the European regulation 2017/625/EC (Official controls’ regulation) Article 109.
Multi Annual National Control Plans target to ensure the implementation of effective national control of regulations related to plant and animal health, animal welfare, food and feed.
While according the EU law only certain parts of the above regulations are concerned in the Multi Annual National Control Plans, the Hungarian plan is designed to cover the whole food chain. General provisions on national food chain control are set out in Act XLVI of 2008 on the food chain and its official control.
Member States should report on their progress in the implementation of Multi Annual National Control Plan annually, which contains the yearly results of controls and audits performed by the national authority and the updated version of Multi Annual National Control Plan if necessary.