50 years of Codex - session during CCMAS (with the presentations)
On Tuesday, 5 March 2013, starting at 4.00 p.m., a side event will be organized in connection with the 50th Anniversary of Codex Alimentarius. Simultaneous translation to English, French and Spanish will be provided throughout the session. The session will last for about 2 hours.
Speakers of the meeting:
- Dr. Márton Oravecz, president of the NFCSO, deputy CVO
- Prof. Dr. Árpád Ambrus, chair of the CCMAS
- Mrs. Awilo Ochieng Pernet, Vice-Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission
(Invited country representatives reporting on their experience with Codex:)
- Mrs. Ligia Lindner Schreiner, delegate of Brazil
- Mrs. Amelia Tejada, delegate of the Philippines
- Mr. Robert Njuguna Koigi, delegate of Kenya
- Comments, exchange of thoughts amongst all participants.
Prof. Dr. Árpád Ambrus_Past present future
Mrs. Awilo Ochieng Pernet_50 years Codex
Mrs. Ligia Lindner Schreiner_Brazil in Codex Alimentarius
Mrs. Amelia Tejada_Report on National experience with Codex (Philippines)
Mr. Robert Njuguna Koigi_Kenya experience with Codex