null The role of veterinarians in creating a better food safety

The role of veterinarians in creating a better food safety

– Undergraduate course –

School: University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest
University department: Department of Food Chain Safety
Organiser: National Food Chain Safety Office
Course length: 15 lessons (1 semester)
Course credits: 2
Language: Hungarian
Course code: SAOEH03FK
Course availability: no pre-requisitements; not available to visiting students
Leading lecturer: Ákos Jóźwiak
Course contact person: Marcell Márton Tóth
Lecturers: Tamás Abonyi, Sarolta Barna, Lajos Bognár, Orsolya Dobo-Kiss, Ferenc Helik, Adrienn Farkas-Gyurcsó, Ákos Jóźwiak, Attila Nagy, Imre Nemes, Márton Oravecz, László Pallós, György Pleva, Attila Tirián

Course outlines:
Animal law
Animal welfare
Diplomacy and state administration
Food economy related anti-fraud policies
IT background of state administration
Laboratory analytics in food safety
Research, Developement & Innovation in food safety
Veterinary public health

Course aims:
To train students to perform their veterinary studies in the approach of One Health
To describe the issues of veterinary public health including zoonoses
To describe the changing roles of a veterinarian serving state administration
To encourage managerial and communication skills
To provide current information about career opportunities at the National Food Chain Safety Office

Friss hírek

2024. október 16, szerda

Közlemény elveszett „zöld könyvről” (2024.10.16.)

A Veszprém Megyei Kormányhivatal Növény- és Talajvédelmi Osztályának tájékoztatása.

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2024. szeptember 30, hétfő

Baranya vármegye - 44. számú vizsgálat - Apáczai Nevelési Központ Főzőkonyha - Pécs

Baranya vármegye - 44. számú vizsgálat - Apáczai Nevelési Központ Főzőkonyha - Pécs

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