null Information on the cost of sampling of food products of plant origin (conventional and organic/transitional) from third countries

Information on the cost of sampling of food products of plant origin (conventional and organic/transitional) from third countries

2024. március 12, kedd

Under the new procedure to be introduced on 13 March 2024, when certain plant products (conventional and organic/transitional) originating from third countries are imported into the European Union for consumption as food, the Hungarian authority will have to take samples from the consignment for laboratory testing at the frequency laid down in the relevant regulations. The costs of the tests are to be borne by the operator responsible for the consignment, which must remain on hold until they are paid and the results are issued.

The document required for release for free circulation is issued by the authority on the basis of the results of laboratory tests. According to Regulation (EU) 2017/625, the costs of laboratory tests (except for GMO testing of organic/transitional products) must be reimbursed by the operator responsible for the consignment or his/her representative. To invoice the costs, the operator responsible for the consignment must provide the following information to the inspection authority:

  • company name; 
  • company address; 
  • company VAT number; 
  • bank name and address; 
  • bank account number.

Following sampling at border control posts, consignments of conventional and/or organic products of plant origin (food use) are detained pending the results of the laboratory analysis.

The above measure concerns the control of products covered by the following legislation:

  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793;
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1158;
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/949; 
  • Commission Implementing Decision 2011/884/EU;
  • Regulation (EU) 2018/848; 
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2306.

Further information can be obtained from the competent authority that took the sample.

Friss hírek

2024. július 17, szerda

A Nébih a nyár folyamán is fejleszti az eGN-t

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2024. július 16, kedd

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