null CCMAS side event – Scientific Symposium

CCMAS side event – Scientific Symposium

2016. január 18, hétfő

In connection with the 37th Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling a scientific symposium will be held to highlight and discuss the importance of sampling and analysis for verifying safety of food.

In connection with the 37th Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling, a scientific symposium: „SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS FOR VERIFYING SAFETY OF FOOD will be held to highlight and discuss the importance of sampling and analysis for verifying safety of food. The symposium will take place on 25 February 2016, 8:30-13:00, in Thermal Hotel Aquincum, Room Hadrianus (1036 Budapest, Árpád fejedelem útja 94.)

The participants of CCMAS and interested Hungarian experts are invited to take part in the workshop. The participation is free, but limited to a maximum of 100. Therefore, prior registration is required before 15th of February Indicating the name, organization, and title. The first 100 registrants will be accepted.

(This symposium is linked to the Food Safety Conference-2016, going to be held during June 6-8, 2016 at London, UK.)


Invitation and Agenda of the Scientific Symposium


1. Procedures for Elaboration and Endorsement of Codex Methods
(Dr. Roger WOOD, UK)

2. Selection of sampling plans for testing compliance with Codex Limits
(Dr. Claus WIEZOREK, Germany)

3. Evaluating Method Equivalency with TOST, Introduction and Practical Applications
(Dr. Gregory NOONAN, PhD; Timothy D. NORDEN, USA)

4. Procedures for estimation of uncertainty of results of analytical measurements
(Dr. Claus WIEZOREK, Germany)

5. The practical application of the principles of the criteria approach for methods which use sum of components
(Dr. Andrew DAMANT, UK)

6. Sampling in Codex Standards – How It Should Be Treated
(Dr. Roger WOOD, UK)

7. Status of food safety in the light of analyses of wide range of foods
(Dr. Tamás SZIGETI, Hungary)


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