null Small ruminants

Small ruminants

Small ruminants

List of small ruminant related publications of NEBIH (2011-16)

In Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation of Mutations in the NS Region of Lineage 2 West Nile Virus Associated with Neuroinvasiveness in a Mammalian Model

Affiliated researchers: Ádám Bálint, Katalin Szentpáli-Gavallér

Year: 2016


Benefits of official batch control and surveillance for immunological VMPs

Affiliated researcher: Gábor Kulcsár

Year: 2016


Adipose tissue macrophages in non-rodent mammals: a comparative study

Affiliated researchers: Árpád Bacsadi

Year: 2015


Three new serotypes of Rhodococcus equi in Prescott's serotyping system - Short communication

Affiliated researchers: Béla Dénes, István Hajtós

Year: 2015


Q fever epidemic in Hungary, April to July 2013

Affiliated researchers: Zoltán Simor, Ádám Dán, Béla Dénes

Year: 2014


Natural IS711 insertion causing omp31gene inactivation in Brucella ovis

Affiliated researchers: Ádám Dán, Károly Erdélyi, Béla Dénes, Zsuzsanna Rónai, Levente Szeredi, Szilárd Jánosi, István Hajtós

Year: 2013


Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in Hungary: screening of dairy cows, sheep, commercial milk samples, and ticks

Affiliated researchers: Ádám Dán, Károly Erdélyi, Béla Dénes, István Hajtós

Year: 2012


Molecular characterization of Campylobacter lanienae strains isolated from food-producing animals

Affiliated researchers: Ádám Dán, Nóra Schweitzer, Krisztina Ursu

Year: 2011