null Fish



List of fish related publications of NEBIH (2011-16)

Isolation and characterisation of flavobacteria from wild and cultured freshwater fish species in Hungary

Affiliated researchers: Melitta Papp, Petra Paulus

Year: 2016


Parental genetic diversity of brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario) brood stock affects offspring susceptibility to whirling disease

Affiliated researcher: Zoltán Tolnai

Year: 2015


The occurrence of metacercariae of Petasiger (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) in an unusual site, within the lateral line scales of cyprinid fishes

Affiliated researchers: Melitta Papp, Petra Paulus

Year: 2015


Molecular detection of a putatively novel cyprinid herpesvirus in sichel (Pelecus cultratus) during a mass mortality event in Hungary

Affiliated researchers: Melitta Papp, Ádám Dán, Róbert Glávits, Krisztina Ursu

Year: 2015


Full genome sequence of a novel circo-like virus detected in an adult European eel Anguilla anguilla showing signs of cauliflower disease

Affiliated researcher: Róbert Glávits

Year: 2014


First detection of Koi Herpesvirus (KHV) disease in Hungary

Affiliated researchers: Melitta Papp, Ádám Dán, Róbert Glávits, Petra Paulus

Year: 2014


Novel circovirus in European catfish (Silurus glanis)

Affiliated researchers: Ádám Dán, György Csaba

Year: 2012