
null 35. KRAJNICÁKOVÁ, Mária, BEKEOVÁ, Eva, VALOCKÝ,I., MARACEK,I.: Dynamics of some mineral profile parameters at active control of puerperium. (A puerperium aktív vizsgálata ásványianyag-tükör segítségével)

35. KRAJNICÁKOVÁ, Mária, BEKEOVÁ, Eva, VALOCKÝ,I., MARACEK,I.: Dynamics of some mineral profile parameters at active control of puerperium. (A puerperium aktív vizsgálata ásványianyag-tükör segítségével)

35. KRAJNICÁKOVÁ, Mária, BEKEOVÁ, Eva, VALOCKÝ,I., MARACEK,I.: Dynamics of some mineral profile parameters at active control of puerperium. (A puerperium aktív vizsgálata ásványianyag-tükör segítségével)

35. Krajnicková

érk: 97.10.16.

UEVM, 04001 Kosice, Hlinkova 1/A, Slovak Republic (first author's address)
Univ.Vet.Med., Kosice


An indispensable part of neurohumoral regulation of reproductive processes in farm animals is an active transport of some minerals. The deficiency of mineral homeostasis is accompanied with an impairment of reproductive functions with subsequent decrease in the fertility of animals (KUDLÁC, 1985; 1995). Changes in concentrations of minerals are closely related to regulation mechanisms and their stimulation is realised through activation of proteinkinase-C (ROSOFF et al., 1984; McARDLE et al., 1986).
In connection with a hormone of posterior lobe of hypophysis - oxytocin concentrations of sodium and potassium were studied (BERGER and MARSHALL, 1961). The authors found that oxytocin acts on cell membrane and modifies its permeability for entry of electrolytes. Significant differences in concentrations of sodium and especially potassium during pregnancy and delivery in cows were observed by SCHWARC (1963) and in ewes by OKAB et al. (1991).
GARBACIK and BALON (1978) recorded changes in mutual proportion of calcium and phosphorus in relation to fertility of cows after parturition. According to findings of WEGNER et al. (1991) concentrations of calcium are necessary for production of progesterone and at depolarising effect of LH on start of meiosis (MARSHALL et al., 1985).
Taking into account the above facts and our previous knowledge about the importance of mineral profile on course of reproductive cycle (KRAJNICÁKOVÁ et al., 1993), the objective of this study was to evaluate dynamics of concentrations of sodium, potassium, and calcium after the Depotocin treatment in 24th and 72nd hour post partum in ewes.


19 Slovak Merino ewes weighing 40 to 50 kg and lambed between February 1 - 10 were included into experiment. The animals were kept under the conditions of utility breeding together with lambs without regulation of light regime. Feeding contained oats (0,35 kg), hey (2,0 kg) and a special feeding mixture for lactating ewes (0,2kg). Water and salt were added ad libitum.
The ewes were divided into two groups, control group (n=10) and experimental one (n=9). The control ewes were treated with saline solution 24 h (i.m.) and 72 h (s.c.) at 1 ml per treatment. The experimental ewes were administered 0,07 mg Carbetocin (2-0-methylthyronine-diamino, 1 carbo oxytocin, Depotocin, Léciva) per treatment at the same time as the controls.
Blood samples were taken by v. jugularis punction between 8 - 9 a.m. The first collec-tion was done before treatment - i.e. 12 hours post partum (collection 0). Further collections were on days 4, 7, 14, 17, 21, 25, 34, 42, and 51 post partum. To determine sodium and potassium in blood serum, a method of absorption spectrophotometry on the device of Atomspek of the firm RANG-HIGLER was employed. Calcium concentrations in blood serum were determined by means of BIO-Lachema tests (LACHEMA DIAGNOSTICS, Brno, Czech Republic). The degree of the dispersion of individual values was determined by the calculation of standard deviation. Testing of differences was carried out using Student t-test.


Concentrations of sodium (Fig.1.) showed a significant decrease (P0,05) on days 4 and 17 post partum when compared to h 12 post partum (p.p.) - day 0. In Depotocin treated ewes sodium concentrations fluctuated at significant decrease (P0,05) on days 4, 25, 34, and 42. The highest significant decrease (P0,001) was recorded on day 51 post partum. Similar decrease in sodium concentrations post partum as were recorded in control ewes were reported by JELINEK et al., 1985; SOBIRAJ et. al., 1986). Sodium concentrations may be stimulated by mutual proportion of hormonal levels (RUBYTHON and MORGAN, 1983). Degree of influence of the oxytocin-based treatment on higher levels of sodium in ewes cannot be explained at present. According to the au-thors ZANCA et al. (1983) influence of estrogen through oxytocin and prosta-glandin cannot be excluded.

Concentration of sodium (Na) in blood serum, after parturition

Dynamics of potassium concentrations in blood serum presented in Fig.2. showed a similar tendency like with sodium levels up to day 14 post partum in both groups, however, with higher levels in the group of ewes treated with Depotocin. Following period was characterised by higher fluctuation with significant difference in both groups on day 42 post partum (P0,05). In the remaining days the above dynamics did not show sta-tistically significant differences (P0,05). The decrease of potassium in control ewes is similar to the results recorded by JELINEK et al. (1985) in ewes post partum and by KUDLÁC et al. (1995) in physiological puerperium of cows.

Concentration of potassium (K + 4,0 mmol) in blood serum, after parturition

Concentration of calcium (Ca + 2,0 mmol) in blood serum, after parturition

The mean concentrations of serum calcium in control and experimental group are presented in Fig.3. The evaluation of the dynamics of serum calcium in control group revealed significantly lowest values on days 17, 21, and 34 post partum (P0,05) and an insignificant increase continued by the end of the period of observation (P0,05). The dynamics of calcium in experimental group showed an irregular increase with higher levels in the above observation period. Significant differences compared to control were found in Depotocin-treated ewes on day 21 post partum (P0,01). The decrease in serum calcium levels recorded in this study is similar to that in puerperal period of ewes (JELINEK et al., 1985) and in post partum of cows (�EVCIK et al., 1980; KACMÁRIK et al., 1981; IVANOV, 1990).


Our results of selected parameters showed that differences between the observed groups are significant. Having observed the parameters of mineral homeostasis in the observed period we found out that the Depotocin-treated ewes showed higher levels of evaluated parameters. The results of dynamics of calcium in experimental group suggest that applied Depotocin stimulated the increase in calcium concentrations with a consequent effect on fertility of treated ewes as reported by BEKEOVÁ et al., (1995); KRAJNICÁKOVÁ et al. (1995). The oxytocin-based treatment in ewes showed a positive influence on the increase of levels of observed parameters of mineral homeostasis in puerperal period.


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